Exciting news! State of Origin IV is on in 2022 at Jubilee Oval on Sunday the 3rd of July. The Ocean Grove Cobras are coming to Sydney to play the Glebe Greyhounds in a full day of footy in support of River’s Gift, Australia’s largest non Government SIDS charity.
After a two year hiatus SOOIV will be the biggest year yet with games for U10 boys, U10 girls, U12 boys, U12 girls and U14 boys. If you haven’t been involved before it is a fantastic day, the OG crew are heaps of fun, the footy is awesome and we do it all to support a very important charity. But make no mistake, we won that trophy in SOOIII in 2019 for the first time and it’s not going back to Victoria. It’s just not.
So, if you are an U10 or U12 girls or an U10, U12 or U14 boy and are available and keen to play on Sunday the 3rd of July, click on the link below link to register. Coaches and managers will be needed on the day as well. Get involved!
We will also be organising hoodies with proceeds going to Rivers Gift, kids can order their size on the form as well.
Carna Greyhounds.